Fav quotes

Started by Lord T Hawkeye, September 19, 2009, 01:02:11 AM

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Hey, I was a tad unsatisfied with it.  Thought I was rambling too much.  But then, I tend to be my own worst critic most of the time.
I recently heard that the word heretic is derived from the greek work heriticos which means "able to choose"
The more you know...


"When seconds count, police are just minutes away." - Mark Grannis

July 27, 2011, 02:50:35 PM #1037 Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 02:58:29 PM by Lord T Hawkeye
[yt]4JA4EPRbWhQ[/yt]  Another case where TJ got it right.
I recently heard that the word heretic is derived from the greek work heriticos which means "able to choose"
The more you know...

Me responding to a fail quote

Me: Psh, though they loudly like to proclaim otherwise, governments LOVE communism. Means more power to them. They just don't like OTHER communist governments for the same reason that the Bloods don't like the Crips.

Him: That's some more bullshit, Communism is a social state in which the state has become obsolete, and thus abolished. Learn some.

Me: That's what's promised. That's not what's ever delivered. You see, the people who preach them have this strange habit of always ending up making out like bandits while everyone else winds up worse off in the end.

If you need me to spell it out for you: communism is a scam.
I recently heard that the word heretic is derived from the greek work heriticos which means "able to choose"
The more you know...

"I mean, spend 10 minutes on the phone with an Austrian economist.  It's a 1-900 number, it's the worst phone sex you'll ever have, but you will learn something important."--Stefan Molyneux @7:41 in this video: [yt]Pg5K07c72Tw[/yt]
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537

Ooh, more and now it really gets nasty

Communist: Rule #12 of anti-Communist conduct:

Claim that Marxism is utopian because of its description of a possible future society. Alternately claim that Marxism failed because it never gave a detailed description of how a Communist society would look. Do not pay attention to the massive contradiction here.

Me: I did nothing of the sort. I pointed out that marxism promises equality and prosperity for all and always delivers the complete opposite and last I checked, appealing to emperical evidence is not a fallacious argument. I don't care what an ideology says, talk is cheap. I care about what it does and what communism has done thus far is both tragic and grotesque.

However, if you still insist your ideology's ultimate goal is to do away with government, riddle me this.

In your communist world, what happens to dissenters? What if I don't want to give up my property for the "Good of the collective"? What happens to me?

If your answer involves taking it by force, congratulations! You're now a government! oops!

If you somehow think you can get people to give up their property voluntarily for the "good of the collective", I fear you'll find yourself sadly disappointed. The problems of the world need to be solved with logic and rationality, not with wishful thinking.

So which is it? Statelessness in name alone? Or the megalomaniacal belief that you can bend all human minds to your way of thinking? Either way, it's pretty sinister as I see it.

Communist: Listen, I already explained to you that I don't deny the necessity of force. In my "Communist world," dissenters don't get to steal communal property- if they don't like what they see, and do not want to live there, they have the right to get the hell out. Property WILL be abolished by force, opposition will be brushed aside, by peaceable means if possible, armed opposition will be liquidated. I never tried to hide this in our first talk, and I will reiterate: coercion is an essential weapon in meeting ANY political or social ends.
Also, not all coercion is the work of a government- some of this coercion, conducted by the political will of the majority, is GOOD coercion. When you utilize force to achieve an end, it doesn't make you a villain, but rather, if the end is worthwhile: a hero. "Good," I mean of course, in the relative sense. Violence is never "good" but using violence to live is better than abandoning violence to die. Likewise, using violence to create a superior order is better than settling for a shitty one that doesn't require violence. Catch my drift?

Me: So let's see, you DO support institutionalized violence (as long as you benefit from it of course) so your claim to support statelessness was a bold faced lie.

You argue that violence is good when done by the political elite yet declare that any opposition should be liquidated which is blatant special pleading and really quite shitty, cult behavior when you get right down it.

Conclusion: you're a self entitled bully who thinks disagreeing with your views is just cause to shoot someone in the head.

Get help, you are not well at all. Arguing that violence to force your views on people is not moral. That's psychotic.
I recently heard that the word heretic is derived from the greek work heriticos which means "able to choose"
The more you know...


I do believe Lord T Hawkeye is on a roll. ^_^
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537


I still love this quote from Torchwood: Children of Earth. Good Science Fiction is always meant to work on different levels; I think RTD wanted us to substitute "God" for "the Doctor."

"There's one thing I always meant to ask Jack, back in the old days. I wanted to know about that Doctor of his, the man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world. Except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history, when there was no sign of him. I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask anymore, I know the answer now. Somtimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame."

Another great one from Reason.TV:


That was a great video. Posted it on Facebook. I'm patiently waiting for the replies.

Nick Gillespie did a hell of a job on Bill Maher's show. ReasonTV were kind enough to put his entire time on the show in one video.

Pretty much any time one of the other members of the panel and Bill Maher open their mouth, you could move that to fail quotes.

August 02, 2011, 05:51:53 PM #1046 Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 06:06:53 PM by D
Color me shocked. There actually was a point where Bill Maher wasn't an insane socialist fucktard! Speaking of which, Joe Rogan isn't being unbearable either! I wonder when the exact date was that these two turned off their tolerable switches. Actually it kind of makes him look like a hypocrite in the previous video.


Epic win. :)
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537


Quote from: MrBogosity on August 06, 2011, 08:04:28 AM

I always did like Judge Napolitano.


"You can't make something illegal for an adult just because it would be harmful for a child, otherwise we would all be living and acting like children." - Judge Napolitano