JREF YouTube account suspended!!!

Started by MrBogosity, March 30, 2009, 08:53:36 PM

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The JREF account JamesRandiFoundation has been suspended! We should NOT just take this abuse from YouTube and whomever they were acting for. If you have a YouTube accoint, mirror this video and complain!


To complain to youtube follow this link;

Scroll to the very bottom and click on "new issue"

Select "suspended account" from the options and express your opinion.

dprjones's original video link: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4d77967b07dff9ac8c9e7c56ba37815f99433de67f37e9e4

You should be able to download this video in HD with this link:

A fellow YouTuber got this update from Randi:

QuoteUpdate - Received word from JREF about suspension:

"Sean: there were a few complaints about Oprah material and some from Dean Radin, as well. YouTube shut us down pending our resolution of these problems. I expect we'll be back up very soon...

James Randi."

Did you know that even though the JREF qualifies for a Partner / "Non-Profit" account... that YouTube rejected it's application?

I honestly say they try again, since the JREF youtube account has become increasingly popular. But, I think it's a bit fishy when random people on youtube are allowed to make partner types of accounts, but the JREF, a REAL non-profit organization, was rejected.

People need to get together to create a new type of YouTube site. One that isn't full of crap.

If I remember correctly, this all happened when Google took over. The original creators of YouTube wanted to make sure biased stuff like this didn't happen, and when they signed it over to Google, that's what he mentioned, but didn't get it down in writing. So, YouTube is basically Google's money-bitch. It's sad, really.

I also think the DMCA is the worst idea ever created. I think people should give PROOF that their copyrighted materials are being misused.

Also, is YouTube even aware of FAIR USE laws? If James Randi was talking about, critiquing, or commenting on Oprah while using clips from Oprah, it falls under fair use. But obviously, those nutbags at YouTube wouldn't know the law if it bit them in the ass... Well, reverse that. They're afraid of being bit in the ass like cowards, so they don't care.

Apparently their lawyers have the same credibility and logic skills as Kent Hovind.

The clips from Oprah were the ones where he himself was a guest.

Quote from: MrBogosity on March 31, 2009, 03:48:38 PM
The clips from Oprah were the ones where he himself was a guest.

I expected this, and that makes it even worse.

Especially since, if I recall correctly, the Oprah people did this to him once before, and then the argument was that it'd be okay if they just used the clips with him and not the whole episode.