BBE/IE: Kate Tieje

Started by BlameThe1st, August 24, 2016, 02:26:13 PM

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Props to Charles Thomas for sharing this fail of an article on Facebook. Seriously, this is an article that exists. And, no, sadly, this is not The Onion:

Five Reasons Measles is Better Than Autism

Again, that is a real article. No, it is not The Onion. Sadly, it is not. Here's how the dimbulb who wrote this article shared it on Facebook:

Wow. If there was a dictionary entry on "projection", this image would be right underneath it. This woman is projecting so much that she can be used to summon Batman.

As for the article itself, here's a quick sample of the bogosity:

QuoteWhen a child gets autism? There's no easy bouncing back. A bowl of chicken soup ain't gonna solve this problem (though soup can help to heal autism).

Autism results in long-term neurological damage with can affect a child for lifetime, though there are children who recover through the hard work of their warrior mamas! Indeed, many studies ... have found that gut health has a profound impact on the behaviors of those on the autism spectrum, and interventions such as diet and probiotic supplementation may be helpful.

Yeah, you know what's really hard to bounce back from? Measles. We're not talking about the Chicken Pox here. This was a much deadlier disease that could do serious damage to people. And as for Autism? Very few cases are the "regressive" type that she harps on about. Many of them such as myself are "high-functioning."

If you want an excellent rebuttal to this bogosity, I'd suggest reading this blog post, which does a good job smacking down the scientific ignorance and "neuro-bigotry":

No Sovereign but God. No King but Jesus. No Princess but Celestia.