Fail Quotes

Started by Travis Retriever, October 17, 2009, 03:00:20 PM

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Quoteokay now i am in my quarters I explain something there is a difference between fighting cartels and fighting "terrorist" (cartels are terrorist).

The problem with legalizing drugs what would stop legal industries seeking those same cartels as suppliers rather than supply themselves cheaper labour means more profits. This is wasn't the case really for alcohol because it much easier to start a brewery than to start up your own fields upon fields .
And i wasn't saying it will stop cartels but it can be controlled you hit their profits such as their fields and so fort constantly they eventually give up .
Middle eastern terrorists have nothing to lose so that fight is a never ending war they are fighting to gain while cartels and drug lords have everything to lose thats the huge difference between the two.

for the record you can't have the whole military standing idle or discharge as you please adjusting to life after seeing so many combat tours is rough. The reason I know this is because this is how I am from time to time which is why i am semi pro war.


Wow, that guy sure knows what he's not talking about.


Nightmare060 is at it yet again.
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537

August 08, 2011, 11:54:12 AM #1053 Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 12:29:05 PM by D
The conspiracy loons are full force again.

Someone posted this on facebook:

"Experts" Push For Lithium To Be Added To Our Drinking Water

QuoteApparently there are not enough chemicals already added to our drinking water, as there is now a call by "experts" to further poison our water supplies by adding Lithium. Their main reason is to decrease suicide and violent crime rates.

So it this how we wish to function as a society?  Instead of dealing with our issues at hand, let's drug ourselves so that we don't have to deal with personal subjects that may be perceived as hard, negative or scary. This is not a time for putting our heads in the sand and pretending or even hoping that an issue will just resolve itself. Where is the personal growth in that? Don't you feel elated when you resolve a personal issue that no longer hangs over your head or weights on your mind? It is more important than ever to clear ourselves of past issues that we have held onto and allow more room for the new energies coming to earth to take its place within our being.

What is Lithium usually prescribed for?

    * Bi polar disorder
    * Agitation not associated with bipolar disorder
    * Depression and to boost the effect of antidepressants
    * As a mood stabiliser
    * Sever Migraine Headaches

"Much like fluoride, lithium alters the brain's normal production of serotonin and norepinephrine, which in turn artificially alters the way an individual thinks and how he or she feels about a given situation. Lithium is literally a mind-altering, antidepressant chemical substance that those promoting it openly admit modifies brain function. And yet they purport that forcibly inducing these chemical changes on the unwitting populations of the world is a good and acceptable idea." Source

So what are "experts" saying?

"Lithium has been heralded by some experts as the next potential flouride, after scientists found suicide rates were lower in areas where the drinking water had higher concentrations of the element, reports the Daily Mail" Source

"Time to supplement? Some scientists believe lithium could reduce suicide rates if traces were added to drinking water. The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, analysed a sample of 6,460 lithium measurements and then compared suicide rates across 99 districts." Source

If anyone still believes that adding fluoride into our drinking water is a good idea. Please read our article on this subject here.

What are some side effects of Lithium?

    * extreme thirst, urinating more or less than usual;
    * weakness, fever, feeling restless or confused, eye pain and vision problems;
    * restless muscle movements in your eyes, tongue, jaw, or neck;
    * pain, cold feeling, or discolorations in your fingers or toes;
    * feeling light-headed, fainting, slow heart rate;
    * hallucinations, seizure (blackout or convulsions);
    * fever with muscle stiffness, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats; or
    * early signs of lithium toxicity, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, drowsiness, muscle weakness, tremor, lack of coordination, blurred vision, or ringing in your ears.

Less serious side effects may include:

    * mild tremor of the hands;
    * weakness, lack of coordination;
    * mild nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain or upset;
    * thinning or drying of the hair; or
    * itching skin.

Side Effects Source

Adding Lithium appears to be yet another way that our population can be "dumbed down". Why would governments want to turn our drinking water into a chemical cocktail? Perhaps this way society we will be more malleable and less people will be concerned about what is really going on in this world.

What I want to know is who are these so called "experts" that these nutjobs keep coming up with? They never go out of their way to give any kind of source for who is making these kind of claims and just referring to them as "experts" in quotations. I tend to think that people who give these conspiracy wackos their so called "information" are merely trolls.

August 09, 2011, 12:16:00 PM #1054 Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 12:50:28 PM by D
I have a headache now.

Just got into a debate with my aunt over the debt ceiling. First off, she admits to being a socialist because IT'S DA MORAL THANG TO DO YA KNOW. Ugh, makes me sick to my stomach. I said that socialism is the use of force with the intent to steal. She denied that. I asked her how socialism would work without the use of force and she gave me the half ass answer of "Just make it a law."


She also said some gibberish too about how the debt limit isn't about how much money the government can borrow but about some other bullshit I don't remember. I'll have to ask her again when I see her.* All I remember was it was fucking stupid and she INSISTED I look up the definition of debt ceiling because she honestly believed that it wouldn't say how much money government is allowed to borrow.

Not even 5 seconds later, on google, this came up:

QuoteWeb definitions:
* debt limit: the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity

* A limit, set by Congress, on how much federal debt the U.S. can hold.

* An explicit, legislated limit on the amount of outstanding national debt.

She made the statement that the news media and the government kept using the wrong terminology about what the debt ceiling really is, despite the fact that a basic search on google, and a fully functioning brain, would tell you that the debt ceiling is pretty self explanatory. She also kept saying, "IT ISN'T ABOUT BUDGETING IT IS ABOUT OUR PAST NOT OUR FUTURE!"

*EDIT: I remember now what she said. She said that the debt ceiling is how much of the debt we're going to pay off, and not raising the debt ceiling is telling other countries that we're choosing to default. Fucking retarded indeed.

@Shane:  Christ...I stopped reading after the first sentence.  It sounded like something that belonged on The Onion.


This video: [yt]EysZVSlMmXg[/yt]

And most--if not every--comment by Ex_Nihil0 in this thread:
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537

Why is that video a fail? The only part of it I thought was over the top was when he said gays wanted to get married to denigrate religious marriage. Other than that, I thought he had a lot of good points.

Quote from: MrBogosity on August 10, 2011, 11:19:32 AM
Why is that video a fail? The only part of it I thought was over the top was when he said gays wanted to get married to denigrate religious marriage. Other than that, I thought he had a lot of good points.

To be fair I was going by this:
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537

Whatever happened to FlowCell, anyway?

Quote from: MrBogosity on August 10, 2011, 12:19:01 PMWhatever happened to FlowCell, anyway?

The last I saw, he made a comment on Lord T Hawkeye's latest video where he points out that FSAthe1st banned him from commenting on that video too.
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537

Quote from: surhotchaperchlorome on August 10, 2011, 12:27:04 PM
The last I saw, he made a comment on Lord T Hawkeye's latest video where he points out that FSAthe1st banned him from commenting on that video too.

Why am I not surprised?

Maybe we should lock FSAthe1st and Flow Cell in a room together for a few hours for the lulz.

Quote from: FSBlueApocalypse on August 10, 2011, 01:33:15 PM
Maybe we should lock FSAthe1st and Flow Cell in a room together for a few hours for the lulz.

No, no, no, no... That's completely wrong.

We'll lock them in a small flat wired up with zillions of hidden cameras and microphones, post the highlights reels on youtube, then sell uncut DVDs of the rest.

Ugh, unfortunately, tragedies bring about stupidity and anti-fun brigades. A cop is blaming Grand Theft Auto for inspiring the riots.


Quote"These are bad people who did this. Kids out of control. When I was young it was all Pacman and board games. Now they're playing Grand Theft Auto and want to live it for themselves."